Houston Roof Repairs
Storm, Wind and Hail Damage
Wind, hail and even heavy rainstorms and lightning can cause severe damage to roof shingles and can go undetected until your roof starts to leak. The age and condition of a roof could affect the degree of damage by a hailstorm as well as the size of the hailstone. Also, nearby structures and landscaping such as trees, fencing and other homes can act as either barriers and reduce damage during a storm or create more damage. That’s why regular inspections and maintenance are so important for a healthy roof. Loose, damaged or missing shingles can all be the result of one storm or many storms over the life of a roof.
Remember, after any storm, there will be many “pop-up” roofers going door-to-door claiming they are legitimate roofing companies. Most of them do the work quickly with temporary, untrained labor and leave town before you have the chance to address any issues or problems. They are uninsured and may leave you at risk for warranty negation. Always ask to see documentation of proof-of-insurance, a permanent business address and Better Business Bureau rating — our company is equipped with all of these and ready to answer of your questions about who we are backed up by hundreds of recommendations for satisfied customers. Here are things you should consider before hiring any roofing contractor.

Loose, damaged or missing shingles
If you can look at your roof and see damaged, chipped or curled shingles, a loss of granulation, obvious cracks or tears, or if the flashing has tears or buckling around the roof openings, it’s time for a roof inspection from a professional. If you feel this damage is as a result of a weather event, call your insurance company first for an appraisal, and then give us a call. We will work with your insurance company to be sure they have everything included that should be covered.
Roof Leaks
Roof leaks can cause mold, rotting wood and water stains that extend across the ceiling or run down walls. If you notice anything like this, contact us immediately for an assessment of the damage. You may just need to patch or nail a loose shingle. It doesn’t mean you need a new roof just because you have a roof leak.
From minor adjustments to major repairs, Tejas Roofing has built a reputation for being honest and fair and doing what is best for our clients. We won’t recommend repairs unless they are absolutely necessary. And, with proper maintenance, we can help you extend the life of your roof with repairs rather than a full roof replacement. Storm damage, small issues that are neglected and a lack of regular inspections can all cause roofs to need a replacement; however, with Tejas Roofing & Contracting regularly looking after roof leaks and repairs, you might enjoy your roof a little longer that you thought. Our estimates are thorough, and repairs are always done quickly by highly skilled professionals who receive ongoing training. Your roof is one of the most valuable aspects of your home. So, whether you suspect there’s a problem like a roof leak or you just want to schedule an annual inspection, let us help you stay protected.

Soffits and Fascia Repair and New Construction
Two other very important ant parts of the roof are the soft and fascia. Both of these prevent exposure to your home form damaging weather, and they are prone to stains, decay, and rotting which can lead to lack of proper protection.
The soffit is the exposed surface beneath the overhanging section of the roof eave. The soffit also assists in ventilating the attic through small holes that provide air circulation and helps to draw heat and moisture away from the house. This is very important because moisture in the attic can cause rot in the sheathing and rafters. Soffits can be made of wood or vinyl and can attract animals and insects. Soffits can also easily be exposed to moisture from leaky gutters and wet weather conditions. For this reason, look for cracks, holes and rotting.
The Facias are the wooden boards that run along the roof line. Moisture can easily ruin wood if paint is chipped or worn. The fascia is a vertical finishing edge connected to the ends of the rafters, trusses, or the area where the gutter is attached to the roof. The fascia acts as a layer between the edge of the roof and the outdoors and protects the wooden board against water damage that can occur during certain weather conditions.
At Tejas Roofing, we are experts at identifying exposure, decay and repairs that many homeowners tend to overlook or never realize might me a problem until it is too late and the damage is made worse if neglected over time. The Soffit and Facia are elements that work together to protect your home and complete the look of your home while providing much needed protection against weather and humidity and your roofing and gutter system. When these systems are properly functioning, clean and properly maintained, not only do the ethics of your home become more valuable, but the efficiency and longevity of your roof system will also be lengthened. Let us help provide you with repair, replacement or installation options that are right for your home.