Our Thanks To You
U.S. Military Troops1 Get a $250 rebate when you install a GAF roofing system2 on your home and purchase an Enhanced Warranty.3
1Active members, veterans, and retirees of the U.S. military who are legal residents of the U.S. (each, a Qualifying Individual).
2A GAF roofing system consists of GAF asphaltic roofing shingles and a specified number of qualifying GAF accessory products, which varies based on the enhanced warranty selected. Qualifying GAF accessory products include (1) ridge cap shingles; (2) Cobra Attic Ventilation; (3) starter strip shingles; (4) roof deck protection; and (5) leak barrier. Visit gaf.com for product information. GAF roofing system must be installed by 12/31/19 on a home in the U.S. owned by a Qualifying Individual.
3Eligibility requirements for enhanced warranties vary. See table above for information and visit gaf.com to view full enhanced warranties, which include additional requirements, restrictions, and coverage details. Enhanced warranty must be registered by contractor within forty-five (45) days of roof installation. It is your contractors responsibility to register your warranty within 45 days of installation. If you have not received your warranty from GAF within 60 days, you should call GAF at 1-888-532-5767, option 5.